čtvrtek 27. listopadu 2014

Earthcache Master Geocoin - SILVER a PLATINUM

Dokoncil jsem serii ctyr coinu EC Master Geocoin, porizenim poslednich dvou kousku a to EC Master Geocoin Silver a EC Master Geocoin Platinum ;)

Cela serie Earthcache Master Geocoin pohromade

Jeste k tematice Eartcache, drive posilala americka spolecnost Geological Society of America male spinaci odznaky za splneni nize uvedenych podminek ve stupnich Bronz, Silver, Gold, Platinum a za ziskani vsech ctyr potom celkovy White, ale zajem byl moc velky, a tak nakonec spolecnost odznaky zdarma prestala posilat a od te doby je lze jen zakoupit, ja stihl alespon bronz, ktery mne zdarma zasalali.

Visit and log three (3) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more states/countries. Navstivit a zalogovat tri (3) a vice EarthCache ve dvou (2) a vice statech.
Visit and log six (6) or more EarthCaches in three (3) or more states/countries and have developed one (1) or more EarthCaches. Navstivit a zalogovat sest (6) a vice EarthCache ve trech (3) a vice statu, a take jednu (1) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.
Visit and log twelve (12) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more states/countries and have developed two (2) or more Earthcaches. Navstivit a zalogovat dvanact (12) a vice EarthCache ve ctyrech (4) a vice statech, a take dve (2) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.
Visit and log twenty (20) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more states/countries and have developed three (3) or more Earthcaches. Navstivit a zalogovat dvacet (20) a vice EarthCache v peti (5) a vice statech, a take tri (3) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.

Vytvoril jsem mapu Earthcache v Ceske republice aktualizovanou k datu 27.11.2014

A jeste jsem si zkusil vygenerovat moje EC statistiky :)

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