středa 18. dubna 2012

EarthCache - dosazeni levelu PLATINUM

Podarilo se mne publikovat dalsi v poradi treti EC a tim splneni urovne PLATINUM :) kes se jmenuje Dolovani ve STRIBRE ;) a zde jsou kompletni statistiky mych odlovenych EC ;) + mapa vsech EC na uzemi Ceske republiky ;)

Sibenicni vrch STOD - Gallows Hill GC2TTMR (zalozeno 20.6.2011)
Prehradni nadrz Hracholusky GC2V0JX (zalozeno 15.7.2011)
Dolovani ve STRIBRE GC2QB4X (zalozeno 17.4.2012)

Visit and log three (3) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more states/countries. Navstivit a zalogovat tri (3) a vice EarthCache ve dvou (2) a vice statech.
Visit and log six (6) or more EarthCaches in three (3) or more states/countries and have developed one (1) or more EarthCaches. Navstivit a zalogovat sest (6) a vice EarthCache ve trech (3) a vice statu, a take jednu (1) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.
Visit and log twelve (12) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more states/countries and have developed two (2) or more Earthcaches. Navstivit a zalogovat dvanact (12) a vice EarthCache ve ctyrech (4) a vice statech, a take dve (2) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.
Visit and log twenty (20) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more states/countries and have developed three (3) or more Earthcaches. Navstivit a zalogovat dvacet (20) a vice EarthCache v peti (5) a vice statech, a take tri (3) nebo vice EarthCache zalozit.

Kdo odlovi vsechny tri me EarthCache muze mi napsat a ja mu poslu na zalogovani cislo TravelBugu, ktery je venovan mym EC ;)

Vsechny EarthCache v Ceske Republice na MAPE / EarthCache the Czech Republic at the MAP 

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